
Colorado Recap plus Exercise on Vacation

We had a wonderful time in Keystone, Colorado this past week. It was simply fabulous to return. Rocky and I spent some time out there years ago working, living, playing...oh it was fun. We took time off school to do it. So glad we did. What a refreshing break! Colorado has and always will hold a special place in my heart from that experience! So, getting to return after all these years and bring our little munchkins with us was a sweet treat.

Colorado was just as beautiful as we remembered it to be. Surprisingly, there hasn't been much land development in the Keystone area as we had suspected. There were a few new shops that weren't there before but nothing drastic. That was a pleasant surprise. 

We spent four days on the slopes which was a blast! Rocky did his snowboarding...have I mentioned how hot that man looks on a snowboard?..yeppers, it's true. I know, I'm goo-goo eyes for him. (I can't believe I do not have a shot of him in his snowboarding gear!) Shame on me!

The kids and I rented skis. Yep, our two little cherubs skiing on snow...crazy, huh? While we were there I couldn't help but get overwhelmed with joy that our kids have the opportunities to enjoy life in a way such as this ski trip. I missed out on so many fun things as a kid. Kind of sad, but I am thankful that we are allowing our kids to have fun and experience the many joys of life such as hitting the slopes.

All four skiing days were spent at the legendary A-Basin as all the other ski spots had closed for the season. This place is AWESOME! It was great to actually park up to the slopes! The atmosphere was so laid back and fun! All walks of life can be found there. Oh I could go on and on about the fun that was had there....


                                   My mini me

The kids enjoyed themselves...Aspen didn't really enjoy the skiing part, but loved the ski lifts. Maybe next year Aspen will be more into it..yep, that's right...next year. Hopefully we will make this a yearly family tradition of going to Colorado (that is what Rocky's family did when he was growing up and I always thought that would be nice to do with our little family). Rocky also got a season pass while we were there this year so, well...you can't let a pass go to waste. ;-) 

                                            Handsome little man

River loved skiing and he was learning quite quickly. They looked so precious in their ski gear..oh my...I had tears swelling up in my eyes at times. What wonderful family memories. I felt so blessed! I am so blessed! 

Edgewater Cafe at Keystone Lodge

                                                             Breakfast time with the kids

We also met up with some friends, Paul and Alicia, while there. Some great friends who live in Rifle (for the moment). It was great to see them!! One morning we ate breakfast at Edgewater Cafe at Keystone Lodge (where Rocky and I use to wait tables together). I am such a sap...once again the tears started to roll down my face. Yes, during breakfast. It was so nice to be back and visit the restaurant with Rocky again. Those were happy tears, btw. ;-)

We also hit up a couple of the awesome thrift stores in the area. There are two that are located just next to the preschool I used to teach at..I remember spending many lunch times in those shops just browsing (ok, and buying at times). There is just something about the quality of the clothes found at those thrift stores...simply nice sums it up.

                                 The yummy spinach and sundried tomato beauty from Nick & Willy's 

One day after hitting up A-Basin we stopped by the famous Nick & Willy's Pizza place. This was always a favorite of ours because you could go and order a yummy pizza and bake it at home. The condo we stayed at this time did not have an oven so we were thrilled to find out that they now can bake a whole pizza there. It was a yummy spinach and sundried tomato-topped pizza.

                        My dear, sweet husband sleeping..I was up early gazing at Colorado Views

Sometimes, we just had to rest...and we enjoyed every moment of it. ;-)

Okay....so on to the exercise..while we were there for a week I didn't do my usual exercise. People have said to me that skiing is a form of exercise. I suppose that is true. But, really..I took the chair lift to the top and my skis did the rest as they glided down the mountain. We had a great time for sure, but maybe I wasn't pushing myself hard enough. We will have to find out next year.

So, now we have been home a week and well, I still haven't made it back to my 6:15 am boot camp class. Okay, It was difficult to not be on "Colarado" time and well, the pollen here is killer. I do believe I have been suffering from a sinus infection this week. Excuses, excuses, huh? ;-) I will be starting up again next monday fresh. I am now back on our time zone schedule and I do believe this sinus ickiness is letting up.

Do you bounce back to your usual exercise adventures quickly after a vacation? Are you consistent with your routine throughout your vacation? I am not beating myself up about missing the exercise..life needs to be balanced. Sometimes one must take a break when needed.

Check out this salad spinner giveaway from The Daily Raw Cafe. I've wanted a salad spinner for sometime now...go check it out! http://www.thedailyrawcafe.com/2010/04/keeps-getting-better-and-giveaway.html


Super Giveaway From a Super Company!

Come check this out and make sure to enter this free giveaway using this link: http://www.lovingraw.com/blog/2010/4/12/15-raw-food-giveaway-prizes.html   I, myself, would love to win a jar of  Better Than Roasted Almond Butter from Blue Mountain Organics bluemountainorganics.com. Sounds yummy and oh so healthy! www.lovingraw.com is a great resource for all things raw! Come take a look-see!

I will be posting more soon. I realize that I am a sad little blogger. With two vivacious kids under the age of five I am so busy. But I do love to share all the healthy, awesome tips I come across. Don't give up on me! I'll be posting soon! I've got two blog posts I am working on as I can. Hope all is happy, healthy, and well! Hugs!

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