
Remember me?

I've neglected this poor little blog for too long. Oh my! Does anyone even remember me?
With that said...I really don't have the time for a real post at this current moment,  but I wanted to say hello and that I will be back shortly.
Maybe some of you will still be hanging around when I come back...soon?
Talk soon!


Libre Giveaway Winner!

Hi All!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

We had a busy one, yet a relaxing one, too! What a great combination! Did you all do anything fun? Anything relaxing?

Oh, and before I get to the winner...

{sorry to those who already read about this part on my other blog, catching wildflowers}
I recently decided to finally go ahead and start a project 365, where I take a picture a day for a year. So, I started it on June 2, 2011 and if all goes well will be finishing it on June 2, 2012.
I am so excited to be able to look back and see an entire year through photos. This isn't really new to me as I take photos everyday anyway, but making sure it happens and edited and then posted is another thing, ;-)

Some photos will be taken via cell phone (as sometimes all you got is this little device, yes?) but, my favorites and best quality photos will come, i'm sure, from my dslr. I am somewhat obsessively attached to my nikon (someday though, I will save up enough pennies for my canon eos 5d mark II, though) . ;-) Being so close to my camera means it is literally hanging from my neck most days, and I'm okay with this attachment. ;-)

Anyone else doing a 365 photo project?

Anywhoo...check out this slideshow and if you are on flickr let me know...would love to see your photos, too! ;-)

Photography is my most favorite outlet for creativity. I am wanting to grow and learn as much as I can about the art.

Now for the important stuff...the winner!!!

The winner of the Libre Glass Tea giveaway is Julie Lynn #11. Julie has been contacted via email.

Congrats, Julie!

Have a fantastic day, everyone.

Be safe, be healthy, be happy!



Chemical vs. Barrier Sunscreens...

Hello all!!

So....it is summer time. YAY!!

My family and I pretty much live outside this time of year either at the beach or by the pool.

We also LOVE getting our healhty doses of vitamin D from the sun!

But...we do have to be safe about too much sun. Sunburns are bad. I, for one come from a family who has a history with skin cancer. Definitely no fun, either!

So...I have to be careful that my family and I keep our skin protected.

(If you follow my other blog you may recognize some of these photos)

Like I said we spend a great deal of time at the beach or the pool...

Lately our natural (chemical free) sunscreen just hasn't been cutting it. Not cool. Everywhere I turn it seems I see people slathering chemical sunscreen on their kids (and the kids are not getting burned like ours), and even my sweet hubby is starting to think that maybe we need to switch to a "less healthy one". Oh, don't misunderstand me...I'm not saying that I think those parents are bad in any way for choosing to use those sunscreens..not at all am what i saying that. What I am saying is is that I have done a great deal of research (after someone I know mentioned something about chemical vs.barrier sunscreens) and I personally have made the choice not to use them for my family. I am simply noticing what others are using and also noticing that my kids are more pink then they should be, in my opinion.

The natural brand we are currently using needs reapplied after EVERY time the kids get the water. Practical? No.

So...I am looking else where and am not going to throw in the natural sunscreen towel just yet (in fact, I'v got two more brands I'm going to be trying out this week and they can be found at Target..yeah, right down the road from us). I will let you know what brands those are and what I think about them on a different post.

I came across this website that I have found to be very informative. Please check it out and let me know what you think!

I am also consulting friends on this matter and getting their recommendations on natural sunscreens...obviously, I am looking for one that does have some lasting power in water. I also understand the importance of wearing proper clothing, shade, and times of day I have my kids in the sun (all important factors).

Anyone else do any research on chemical vs. barrier sunscreens? Google it. So much info that was shocking to me at first, but it makes so much sense when I really started thinking about it.

Also...any recommendations on your favorite sunscreens? I'm all ears...

Peace & Love,

Oh...don't forget to enter my current giveaway to win a Libre tea glass. Contest ends June 5, 2011. To enter click here.  The entries are low at this point, which makes for greater odds of winning. ;-)


a hello & a giveaway!

*i made a correction...this giveaway is open to U.S and Canada. {my apologies}


I'm alive and well! I pray that you all are doing well, too!

I could get into the reasons why I have not  posted in many moons, but do you all really want to hear excuses? Nah, I didn't think so.

But, I'm sure you all like a great giveaway, yes?

So, onto the good stuff....

Firstly, let me introduce you to a product I had the privilege of trying out:

the pretty design on the top of the lid

Libre Loose Leaf Tea Glass is pretty darn amazing!! I love tea and I am usually on the go, so this is an ingenious invention, in my humble opinion! What's not to like about portable tea?

The one I chose to try out is the glass 'n poly model, but they have others to choose from on their website.

So, some tidbits of info on the Libre....

-the stainless steel tea filter is pretty fine, making it perfect for herbals and roiboos.
-the twist on lid is BPA free
-the thermal, leak resistant container has a glass interior and poly carbinate exterior (aka: super durable)
-keeps tea warm, but the container stays cool to your touch (aka: no burnt hands)

I have been very happy with the Libre.. so simple to use:
All I have to do is put my tea of choice in filter, add hot water, twist on lid, and turn upside down. Not sure about you, but this mama like things nice and easy...

Check out this video on how to use the Libre:

So...for your chance to win a Libre

-be a follower of this little blog (if you are not, please click on the follow button) ;-)
-tell me what tea you would make in the Libre if you win it.
-go to their website and tell something new you learned.
-tweet the giveaway (be sure to include @photohealthnut in the tweet), linking back to this post.

For each one you complete, leave a comment on this post telling me you did.

Contest ends Sunday ( June 5, 2011) at 12:00 a.m CST.

*Also note..only open to U.S. and Canada addresses please

Winner will be randomly selected and notified by email (so, PLEASE leave your email address somewhere in your responses so I can contact you if you win). 

That's it! Now, go enter! ;-)

Oh, and just so you know...the kind folks did send me a product to review, but I was under zero obligation to write a favorable review. The thoughts posted here are simply my own. It's a great product, and I wouldn't state it if it wasn't true. Lying is bad!!


Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil Hair Treatment {Review}

I have mentioned before that I love all natural hair treatments...So natural, in fact, that I use the no-poo method for cleaning my hair (which I love, btw)...I also use apple cider vinegar for a conditioning rinse and if needed I love a smidge of shea butter...and my new personal favorite...

I have reviewed Tropical Tradtions products in the past and was delighted to be able to try this product. It did not disappoint! My hair is happy!!

This coconut oil was specifically created to be used as a hair treament, in fact, it has a good deal of protein in it and is super nice on the hair. I, for one, tend to have dry hair and this has been so helpful!

My favorite way to use this is to put a touch of it in the palms of my hands, rub my hands together and then apply it to my hair after I get out of the shower. It makes my hair so smooth, and helps tame my (by nature wild) mane.

I have noticed an increase in the amount of shine in my hair since using this product. Yay! That is something that is somewhat difficult for me to obtain, so I am thankful!

I also have reaped the benefits from smothering my hair in it, wrapping it up for about 30 minutes, and then washing it out. Lovely softness!

Plus, I love the coconutty smell...like a day at the beach. (Well, thankfully since we live at the beach for the next three months this happens often, but you know what I mean).

Oh...and another thing that I love about this product is that a little goes along way. Really, one bottle would last for quite awhile, which makes me smile!

So...I totally recommend this product! 

This is just one way that I incorporate natural products as a way of "beautifying" myself. I am so happy not to be smothering myself in chemicals..I've been there, done that..and I prefer it more natural. See this post I did not too long ago on just how many chemicals lurk in unsuspecting products..

Have you ever used coconut oil in your hair? What are your favorite ways to use it in your hair?

Have a fabulous, coconutty day!

Better get a move on...much to do and so little time to do it.


Please note that Tropical Traditions provided me with this product to try and review, but I was under zero obligation to write a favorable review. The thoughts expressed within this review are my thoughts, and mine alone...naturally, I would have it no other way. 


Hello Spring!

Happy Springtime all!!

I hope you all are enjoying the beautiful weather! Spring just draws us outside..we love it! We just want to get outside and soak up the sun and the Springtime!! I love Springtime!! The kids do not like to sit around the house for too long...I don't blame them, neither do I.

Being outside of the house means...I have also fallen a bit behind on this blog and will be playing catch up little by little...lots of fun things to come, be assured! ;-)

Now...those who read my little blog know that I never claim to blog everyday...Even the thought or feeling like I "had" to everyday would honestly drive me crazy. I mean, I love blogging..but I could never be a professional blogger. ;-) Love the blog, but can't let it tie me down. I guess you could say I have issues with commitment. (Don't worry, sweet hubby...that's only with the blog). ;-)

I also blog over at my little itty bitty family blog, and for obvious reasons that takes top priority!

Oh, and you all probably would like to know who won the glass straw giveaway from Strawesome..my apologies for not getting that up sooner. 

The random number generator has randomly chose a winner.

And the winner is...

Comment #2 from Domestic Diva!! She has been notified via email and will will be receiving her new glass straw soon!

Congrats to her!!

More giveaways to come shortly!

Have a wonderful rest of the week!



Strawesome Glass Straw {Review & Giveaway}


Hello all!

I'm going to let you know a little secret about me...ready? 

I love straws. I do. Love them. Okay, secret is out. And no.. I never said it would be a juicy secret. ;-)

I love how fancier a beverage becomes when sipped through a straw. Ice tea in a handled mason jar becomes so much more classy when coupled with the right straw, come on...wouldn't you agree? ;-) 

Up until recently I have used only plastic straws. Yes, I said it...plastic. 

I was given the privilege of test "driving" okay...let's say test "sipping" on glass awesomeness from Strawesome! Yep, I have been wanting to wrap my lips around a glass straw for quite some time now, and finally I got to try one and I must say...it is awesome!!!

 Here are a few (well, okay..maybe a few more than a few) things that I discovered:
  • they are so pretty (see for yourself) take a look-see.
  • handmade in the U.S. by stay-at-home mom (pretty rad in my opinion)
  • lifetime guarantee against breakage. If you break it, they will replace it. (Being a mama, this makes me happy. I mean, life happens, things break.)
  • available in an vast assortment of colors, lengths, and widths. (who doesn't like choices?)
  • the decorative version is ingenious! The decorative pieces on the straw not only help distinguish your straws from others, but it also keeps the glass straw from rolling around on flat surfaces. (pretty, yet functional is where it is at).
  • made of borosilicate glass tubing (the strongest commercially available glass) 
  • they do custom gift ideas (think:they can match colors to match a wedding party or maybe a baby shower, also...they can do personalized laser engraving with possible logos, names or designs/texts.) (the possibilities are pretty much endless).
  • 100 % satisfaction guaranteed.

sorry for the poor picture. lighting wasn't great. ;-(
but, you get the drift...the straw is super cute. ;-)

{The Review}

I really do love this straw...it is pretty with the unique dots and swirls (come on, that's a huge plus). I've never sipped through a pretty straw before. (It's the simple things, you know).

Not only is it pretty to the eyes. but it is so much healthier than using plastic straws...who wants to expose themselves and their family to even more plastic toxins? Not me. I, for one, am trying to greatly reduce the amount of plastic I use...and, this straw helps me to make one more leap towards going plastic free. I say "yay" to that!

I chose to try the bent straw...and I like it since I seem to gravitate towards bent straws for some odd reason. But, I do believe that my next straw won't be bent...my excuse to get another glass straw ;-).

I also love that I can take, even a small part, in helping the environment. I mean, seriously, there is too much waste as it is in the world...I love to be taking a step towards less waste and trash. Sounds like a plan, to me.

I love how there is zero plastic taste (well, being that it is glass, this is a given) but this makes me happy. I like how there is no taste other than what I am sipping through the straws. The taste of iced yerba mate teas, sweetened with some liquid stevia, or a delicious green smoothies are all I taste through the straw (just to name a couple drinks I have put the glass goodness straw to use on...plain and simple. I like that.

It washes clean. They even make little straw cleaners, that I think would be good to have around (they are quite inexpensive to boot).

 I have yet to put it in the dishwasher, but will be trying that soon. I, generally, just hand wash dishes since we only brought a limited amount with us to Gulf Shores. But, I would feel like it would be completely strong enough to withstand the dishwasher as the glass is annealed (slowly cooled to make them stronger and less brittle). I love how it is a practical, for everyday life kind of straw.

So, to sum things up..I really like this straw. No, I take it back..I LOVE this straw! I want more, honestly. I want to order at least three more. One for the Hubster, and one each for the offspring. My kids, especially, have been gawking over my straw. The Hubster is digging it, too...it's just he's so much more reserved about expressing his desires to make certain items his own. (I do believe that he wants this straw, though as I can see it in his eyes) ;-) So, there you have it.. I can't keep this kind of goody to just myself for long..I will have to buy them their own special glass straw soon.

Oh, and I also believe having an extra one kept in my purse would be rad, too..they make little cases for easy carry. I like to drink through straws on the go, too..and now that I have converted over to glass straws... this would be perfect!

{The Giveaway}

Strawesome is being so awesome in offering to send one lucky winner a *surprise* decorative "artist's choice" glass drinking straw. So...here is your chance to win one.

Mandatory entry:
Visit Strawesome and let me know (by leaving me a comment) which style straw you like best and what drink you would put the straw in.

Extra entries:  *please leave a separate comment for each one completed, please make sure I have your email address to contact you if you won)*
-Publicly follow 'Kisses from a Coconut' blog (just click the 'follow' button next to this post)
-Follow me on Twitter.
-Tweet this giveaway. Please include @coconutkelly in your tweet with a link back to this post.
-Blog about this giveaway, if you have a blog. (please include a link back to this post).

*Open to US and Canada residents only please*
*Contest ends Friday, March 18th at 11:59 p.m..(CST)*
*Winner will be randomly selected and notified via email*

So here's to healthy awesome sipping...

Have a wonderful weekend!


Please note that Strawesome did supply me with the glass drinking straw to review, but I was under no obligation to post a favorable review for them. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone, I wouldn't have it any other way. 


Beauty can Bite

I came across this earlier today and thought it was important to share...

I, for one, never use to spend much time thinking about what I put on my skin. I thought, "hey, it's got to be safe, otherwise the makers of the make-up, lotions, etc couldn't sell it." WRONG! This couldn't be further from the truth. 

One day, can't remember the exact day...sorry. ;-) I learned about the dangers lurking in those "harmless products." 

When I discovered a toxic ingredient in a product and then proceeded to research more on that particular ingredient I was shocked..uh, gross!! This was the case for any toxin I just happened to come across..each one was eye opening.

Oh, how I wish I had been educated on this sooner. But, alas...since I can't go back and I can only look forward and choose to make better choices.. that is what I will do.

The skin is the body's largest organ, did you know that? I didn't know that for the longest time. Makes sense that what we put on our skin should be just as important as what we eat, as what we put on the outside will eventually be absorbed into our bodies through our pores and into our bloodstream and cells...

Oh...just the thought of all of the sunless tanner I used to cover my fair and freckly skin with turns my stomach. (not even mentioning the make-up,etc) Live and learn...I have learned.

I am learning day by day new things...things I did not know about years ago. It is interesting to see how much I have changed as the years go by.  I am trying to rid my system of toxins that I have bombarded my system with throughout the years...in doing so I have done some changing of my ways when it comes to make-up and  products I use on my skin. 

My rule is pretty simple..and I try to live by this as much as I can (though I am not perfect): don't put it on my skin unless I'd want to eat it, too.

Here is a site I have found to be pretty helpful in taking a closer look at cosmetics and such: cosmetics database

So...what do I currently use?

Here are somethings I like to use on my skin and hair...

Make-up: Currently in the process of switching from Bare Minerals (as it isn't as healthy as I once thought). So, I'm still in research mode for the mineral make-up scene. Anyone use any mineral make-up that they love and would be interested in recommending to me? 

Now...granted I wouldn't want to "eat" mineral make-up, but I think you get my drift. ;-)

Lotions: raw, unrefined shea butter as well, as yep you guessed it...extra virgin coconut oil. 

Shampoo/conditioning rinse: Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar (I love the no-poo method). It works beautifully and my hair is very clean...and talk about inexpensive!!

Leave- in hair conditioners: (used when needed) raw unrefined shea butter, extra virgin coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil.

Facial Masks: something I am currently experimenting with. Will update this when I find something I really like.

Anyone else have any natural body care products you like? Any homemade natural body care recipes you'd like to share? I'd be so thankful. ;-)

Have a naturally beautiful day everyone!


P.S. Stay tuned...I have some fun giveaways in store for you all. ;-)


Exercise as of Lately..

Hello all!!! Long time no post... ;-)

I love group fitness...oh how I love it! I love everything about it: from the friendships made within the classes, knowing that you and everyone else in the class are working hard and towards a variety of goals, to the motivation that comes from being in a group fitness class.

Spinning: one of my favorite group fitness classes

I used to teach aerobics classes, and look forward to getting back into that. Until then I enjoy being a part of a class. It truly keeps me going.

Now, don't get me wrong...I am self motivated when it comes to exercise. If I miss too many days I feel it..whether it be my mood, sleeping habits, so on..I feel it. And it isn't pretty. I can get pretty irritable without my exercise. An unexercised Kelly, is a moody Kelly. ;-)

I, currently, do not belong to a gym...so, sadly, no group fitness classes for me *tear*, but that's okay...lately, I have been well, kind of tired and exhausted (read why here soon) but what I do have available to me in the apartment complex where we are staying at for awhile, is a pretty nifty fitness center with cardio machines and weight machines. I like the cardio machines, especially when it is too cold to exercise outside. I am personally more of a free weights fan, myself. We brought those with us...so, I can leave the weight machines to the other users...granted at 5:30 in the morning there is not a large number of people working out with me, anyhow.

An issue I have encountered lately, which is sadly causing a decline in my exercise level, is low iron. Yep, the dreaded anemia strikes again. Once a month I get hit by the iron sucking period. Period. Oh, okay...some of you may not want to hear this. Sorry. Close eyes now if need be...the flow is pretty heavy. Not sure why..I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that I have had children, as my period does increase with each child..thankfully I only have two, and thus am still alive. ;-)

So...I have been drinking liquid chlorophyll (doesn't get much greener than that, folks) as often as I can to help with anemia. Anyone else try this method? Meanwhile...while I am zapped of energy, I am also bummed...bummed that I do not have the energy to exercise like I would like to. In addition to the liquid chlorophyll I have been trying to drink green smoothies daily (love).

Oh, one other thing I will try to help with the anemia is ulsulphured blackstrap molasses. It is quite nutritious. I have also heard that it helps with gray hair,too (I believe that is due to the copper it contains). This would be a nice bonus....help with those pesky random grays and an anemia treatment..I'd take it. ;-) Any of you use blackstrap molasses for any of those reasons?

When I bounce back, which I am faithful I will...I will resume:
-running,  lots more weight training, and a serious ab routine (oh, I love ab workouts!!!, really!)
oh, and will also be getting serious about starting up this:
anyone else doing this??

Also...will be doing lots more workouts with Zuzana over at http://www.bodyrock.tv/. She has amazing workouts, which I love!

And...last but certainly not least..If I can manage to get a copy of the Beach Body's P90X exercise dvd's I will get to work on those, too. When I taught fitness classes in the past I incorporated many of the routines from this awesome program into my class. We saw amazing results! At that point, I had borrowed the program from a friend...it's due time to own it myself, don't you think? ;-)

So...that is what I have been up to exercise wise. I can't wait to get back into the swing of things with exercise. I miss it, but when my anemia is pretty bad I have to be careful with how much exercise I do. I tend to over exercise anyway so, this sort of helps balance me out, I suppose. ;-)

health & happiness,


CSN Stores Giveaway Winner!

Hi All!
 This is going to be an itty bitty post...I simply wanted to make sure you all knew the lucky winner to the CSN Stores giveaway....

Sorry for the quite unattractive picture of the number generator results..I will eventually learn how to put the results page into the post and not just snap a picture of it on my camera..until then that time...this will have to do.

So, the winner is...comment number 23. Who is number 23? The fabulous raw chef, Amber Shea, that's who! She has a great blog, which I love...http://almostveganblog.com/.

Congrats, Amber Shea!

So, like I said..this was an itty bitty post. Ever have one of those days when your head is pounding? It's one of those rare days for me..my sinuses aren't treating me so kindly. ;-(

Must close my eyes..looking at a computer screen isn't something I want to do. I think a nap (before the kids finish up their quiet time) will be in order. ;-)

Have a wonderful day!

Be back soon.



Wilderness Family Naturals

Hello All! How has life been treating you? I hope wonderfully...

Speaking of wonderful..allow me introduce you to some products I was recently able to sample and review.  Wilderness Family Naturals sent me a package with some goodies in it to try. 

Let's just say it was coconut heaven.

First off we have their Extra Virgin Centrifuged Coconut Oil

My Review: This coconut oil is amazing!! A friend had told me a while back just how rich the taste of coconut is in this coconut oil. After trying this one I agree with her 100%. The taste is wonderfully coconutty.

Next up we have their Coconut Spread.

My Review: This spread is mouthwatering delicious! So far, my favorite way to eat this is on toast or with just a spoon. I love how it is raw and certified organic and that it does not contain nasty colors or preservatives.

Then there's the Coco-Loco Spread..

Sorry..this picture is a bit on the crooked side. ;-)

My Review: What is not to love about a tasty combination of coconut and chocolate? This is a delicious spread that kept my spoon coming back for more..okay, it had me coming back for more. ;-) This spread is also raw, certified organic, and free from extras like preservatives.

Last, but certainly not least is the Mango-Tango Spread..

My Review: The Mango-Tango is my kids favorite!!! It is a wonderful, tasty combo of coconuts and mango. Each bite had me feeling like I was on a tropical island....I kid you not. I did have to close my eyes for this feeling to occur,though (I mean it is Winter time, after all). ;-)  My kids referred to it as a "treat". It certainly was.
This spread is also raw and certified organic, and you won't find any artificial colors or preservatives in this, which makes this mama happy.

Wilderness Family Naturals offers some amazingly yummy products..I will be back for more, for sure! 

Well, I better get going....lots to do. Plus, the end of the kid's quiet time is just about over, which means I will read to them and we will cuddle. Oh, how I love story time... (okay, my heart is melting now). 

I will be back on the 1st of February with the announcement of the winner to the CSN Stores.com giveaway winner. You still have time to enter...click HERE to do so. Contest ends the 31st of this month. ;-)

P.P.S Check out Anne's from fANNEtasticfood.com most recent giveaway. One winner will receive a $50 shopping spree to iHerb.com. To enter click HERE.

Have a happy, blessed weekend!

Love, Kelly

FYI: Wilderness Family Naturals provided me with the products above for the purpose of review on the blog. The thoughts and opinions posted within this review are mine and mine alone...I wouldn't have it anyother way!


Follow-Up on Homemade Dishwashing Detergent

Hello there! I hope you all are having a lovely weekend filled with fun and love!

Today, I wanted to post a follow-up review on the homemade dish washing detergent recipe I posted a while back. You can see that post HERE.  I got the idea to do so after reading Kera's blog post this morning on this very topic. She, too, is experimenting with the same recipe, as well as homemade laundry detergent (which, I, too am LOVING the results from the homemade laundry detergent).. I will be keeping an eye on her results to see what she ends up thinking of it. (I mean, it could just be me..maybe the dishwasher, itself).

In the beginning this recipe was fabulous! The dishes came out very clean. L.O.V.E. Unfortunately, lately the dishes have been coming out of the dishwasher a bit on the blah side. Not too clean. So, this makes me sad. Dishes should be clean. ;-) So, for the time being I am taking a break from it for a while while I revise and review this recipe.

So, maybe it's build-up. Not sure. I am always very careful to put the vinegar in the rinse aid (very important step). So, I assumed this would take care of build-up. Oh, here's the recipe so, you can see the simplicity of the ingredients (I like it simple).

Homemade Dish washing Detergent

1 Tbsp Borax
1 Tbsp Washing soda (not to be confused with baking soda) (Washing soda can be found in the laundry isle   of most grocery stores)
Vinegar (To be used as the rinse aid)

I mix up lots and put in a mason jars (gotta love mason jars). Shake it up, little darling and then put two Tbsp in the dishwasher for every load.

I use plain white vinegar, but only had apple cider vinegar at time of picture taking. ;-)

So, this is a to-be-continued post...

Kera, please keep us posted on your results and thoughts. ;-) We'd appreciate that.

Anyone ever try this recipe for homemade dish washing detergent? I'd love to hear about your experiences as well as any tips with homemade dish washing detergents.

Meanwhile..be sure to enter my current giveaway for a $35 gift certificate to CSN Stores. Click here to enter.

Have a great rest of the weekend!



CSN Stores Giveaway!!

Hello all! I hope you all are doing wonderfully! I am right back on track today playing catch up on the good ole' blog..and as I promised you all many moons ago....A most fantabulous giveaway....

Now, I am sure many of you aware of the awesomeness of  CSN Stores. For those who are not..CSN is comprised of over 200 online stores, selling everything from:  

to cookware

And so much more!!

CSN Stores and I have partnered up to offer one lucky winner a $35 gift certificate for any of the over 200 online stores at CSN Stores.

Not too long ago I, myself, won a gift card giveaway from Lauren's blog, Ginger is the New Pink. Thanks Lauren and CSN Stores!

This is what I got and I LOVE them!

First off I got the Paderno World Cuisine Spiral Vegetable Slicer:

Perfect for raw pasta!

Raw pasta in the making...

All that's left of the yellow squash! 

Perfect for stir-fry!

I have been loving these kitchen goodies! They are fabulous!

One thing I love about CSN Stores items is that the prices are very user-friendly. Plus, the shipping was super fast!
I will order from them again!

So, on to the details of the $35 gift certificate giveaway!

To enter:
1. Become a follower of this blog. If you already are a follower then just say so in a comment.
2. Go to the CSN Stores site and tell me what you would choose if you won the giveaway!
3. Follow me on Twitter. @coconutkelly
4. Follow CSN Stores on Twitter. @csnstores
5. Tweet about this giveaway. Please be sure to include @coconutkelly and @csnstores in the Tweet so, I can track it. Thanks!
6. If you have a blog, you can blog about this giveaway. Please include a link to this giveaway in the blog post.

*Please leave a separate comment for each item completed.*

*There may be international shipping charges in the case of Canadian addresses (CSN only ships to the US and Canada.)

Winner will be randomly selected on January 31, 2011.
I will contact winner via email and winner will have 48 hours to respond, or sadly another winner will be randomly selected. :-(

This giveaway was made possible by CSN Stores.

Go for it!

Peace & Love, 


Coconut Secret: A Review

Hello all! I hope everyone's 2011 has been off to a great start!

We are settling into the swing of things in Gulf Shores, Alabama. It is a lovely place. Lots to do...and well, it's a tad bit warmer than it is in Chattanooga right now and that's just fine with me!! Chattanooga (as many places have been) has seen LOTS of snow, and though I think snow is rad, I don't like it when I can't leave my driveway for too many days. So...the Gulf Coast is proving to be lovely.

I have realized that because I have been without internet for awhile as well as being so busy with life, that I have fallen behind on many of the posts I need to get to. So, I will be playing catch up for some time to come.

One of the areas I have fallen behind and will quickly work on getting caught up is in the area of product reviews. Oh, I love to review products and am kicking myself that I have not been able to get the reviews for the products up quicker. So...on to the review of the day (can't promise a review a day, but it sure would be nice if I had that kind of time lately). ;-)

I gratefully received a package from the fabulous people at Coconut Secret. They sent me three incredible products that I am thrilled I had the opportunity to sample. I will be buying these products in the future when I run out.

First off we have the Raw Coconut Aminos  (left): This was amazing! I used it in stir-fries, on potato wedges, as well as a marinade for tempeh. The flavor is fabulous! I have been a long time user of Bragg's Amino Acids and found that I could easily switch to this instead. Great product!
For more info see HERE.

Next we have the Raw Coconut Crystals  (middle): Yummy! One word says it all! I use this in pancakes and anything else that calls for sugar. It is a much healthier (and much tastier in my opinion) alternative to refined white sugar!
For more info see HERE.

And Finally...we have the Raw Coconut Nectar (right): I used this as I would honey. This is so yummy over oatmeal or overnight oats, as well as in tea! The flavor is very tasty! The possibilities are really endless with this product. I have lots more experimenting to do with this and I am super bummed that it didn't make it in the box to go to Gulf Shores. I will have to make a trip back home sometime to get it, for sure. ;-)
For more info see HERE.

I like how all of these products are raw as well as vegan, and gluten free! Like I said...the box containing a couple of these goodies did not end up in my kitchen here in Gulf Shores, and that makes me sad. I must really do something about that.

Have you tried Coconut Secret products yet? What are your favorites products? Any recipes you'd be willing to share using these products?

Peace & Love,

P.S The above products were sent to me free of charge to sample and review for the blog. The opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone. I wouldn't have it any other way! 
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