So hi to all my fabulous readers!! This is a quick post to let you know I'm still here and to let you know what's been going on over here on our little hill in the woods..
It seems like ages since my last post. I have come to the realization that I could apologize for my lack of posts over and over again, but what good would that do?..For now it is how it is, with starting a new business, taking care of three kids (I have two of my own and watch another four year old during the week for a friend), striving to keep a clean house, homeschooling, oh and mix that in with several painful bouts of an ear infection/sinus troubles...well, there aren't enough hours in the day. For now anyway. But, hey...when I can I will post more often. So, don't give up on me ;-) I'd love to post everyday, but it's not a priority right now. I know I've said this before though...I am very glad that many of you are so consistent with your posts as I do allow myself a little time everyday to browse my favorites (you know who you are).
Okay, so the other day my mom-in-law asked me what my favorite food is..or meal. I had to think about this for a minute. Hmmmm....there's so much to choose from. Well, since I was a kid I have always loved rice and beans. Pretty simple, huh? I'm so easy to please. And of course, if you know me even a little bit you would know that I absolutely ADORE green smoothies!! Love, love, love them!! Yep, If I had to be stranded on a deserted island I would choose to have my Vitamix with me and hopefully would have access to lots of fresh foods and could enjoy a green smoothie daily! ;-) Lol. I seriously could happily live on GS's!!
Green Goodness: Pre Glass Style
This week has been a blur. But, a good blur. I've been marketing lady for my hubby's new civil engineering firm lately. WOWzers...what a job, but one that I am enjoying! It is fun to work along side my dear hubby! If you haven't already checked out Rocky's website, please do so and let us know if you happen to need a civil engineer for a project (he is getting licensed in other states) (
Okay, enough with the sales pitch, huh? Well, what can I has been a big part of our lives right now and it's fresh on my mind. ;-)
I am incredibly proud of my hubby for his hard work and dedication! I admire him in countless ways!
Oh, so more news from the home front..our cat ''Yoda" has disappeared. We live on eight acres and he loves to be outdoors, just as we do..he's an inside and outside cat. Honestly, I'm not much of a cat fan, but he quickly became part of the family. We got him shortly before my son was born almost five years ago...well, we haven't seen him in about a month. A friend pointed out that he may have gotten sick and knew he was going to die so maybe he left to do that. That is sad and well, I prefer to think that maybe another family took him into their home (as he didn't have a collar). Happier ending, right?? We do miss him. ;-) I hope he is well.
So, what are your favorite foods? Do you have any pets? Ever venture into starting your own business? Do you feel pressured by the lack of hours in the day sometimes?
Ever wish you had more time to get it all done?
Have a great rest of the week!!