- Successfully home school my children (will take it year by year)*
- Become a personal trainer
- Become a Pilate's Instructor
- Become a Spinning Instructor
- Become a Wellness Coach ( www.wellcoach.com )
- Become a Children's Book Author (at least one book would make me smile)
*I am already a licensed K-8 teacher, but it is different when your students are your own children and you teach from home, at least I think so. I am so excited to stay at home with my babies kids and to teach them!
Whoa! Just looking at this list can be a bit overwhelming for me! I must say that I am thrilled to have dreams, but that I am currently living my dream! I am a wife to an amazing man and together we have two amazing children. I am able to stay at home with them, which is a dream come true! I am so blessed to be able to watch them grow, teach them, feed them healthfully, and of course to bring them closer to God daily. I realize that many mothers do not have this privilege, and I am beyond grateful that I do.
So, I can keeping my eyes focused on pursuing these dreams/goals, but not forgetting or losing sight of the dream I am currently living. I believe that it can be all too easy to plan, plan, plan for the future that you never really take the time to enjoy the present. That would be sad as time has a way of getting away from us quickly.
Anyone else have similar goals? Anyone actively involved with making similar dreams come true? Tell Kell!
So, on to doing something new and exciting with the kids' bedrooms..Well, let me start by saying that my daughter's room has never been completed, in the first place. Sad, I know..she will be three next month and mama still hasn't finished her room (it is currently an unfinished red painted color, and it was obvious that mama relied to heavily on the painter's tape)...pictures aren't needed as my paint job is seriously horrid. Poor girl. So, I owe it to her to make a pretty place for Lady Love to play and sleep. Here is the color scheme I have planned for her (notice how the edges of the paint card appears to be chewed up...hmm, silly girl! ;-)
So, as you can see...I'm going with a bright, cheery Geiko Green color with hotpink accents. Girly, for sure! Lady Love with love it, for sure! I've gotten the "okay approval" from her, rest assured. ;-)
As for Little Man's room makeover...his room, right now, actually is nicely done. If I do say so myself. He loves the outdoors so I brought a bit of the outdoors TO his room. He even wanted flowers to trim the carpet. But, now that he will be turning five he wants to go BLUE. So, blue it will be..
Decisions, decisions!! I have decided to do blue with brown accent color for Little Man's room. He approves!! Right on!
This is what Little Man's room looks like now...at least for awhile until it goes BLUE! The picture doesn't really show it, but here it is a Baby Bee Yellow color.
Now on to the kitchen...yes, I really need to start photographing more than just my water kefir.. It's just so exciting and new right now. I will post dishes I prepare soon. Don't give up on me. ;-)
The water kefir is doing great and growing quickly...I have already shared some of my grains with my in-laws and now am hoping to share with some friends...this is a picture of the drains being drained (the drained result is what you pour down the hatch).

So, I can keeping my eyes focused on pursuing these dreams/goals, but not forgetting or losing sight of the dream I am currently living. I believe that it can be all too easy to plan, plan, plan for the future that you never really take the time to enjoy the present. That would be sad as time has a way of getting away from us quickly.
Anyone else have similar goals? Anyone actively involved with making similar dreams come true? Tell Kell!
So, on to doing something new and exciting with the kids' bedrooms..Well, let me start by saying that my daughter's room has never been completed, in the first place. Sad, I know..she will be three next month and mama still hasn't finished her room (it is currently an unfinished red painted color, and it was obvious that mama relied to heavily on the painter's tape)...pictures aren't needed as my paint job is seriously horrid. Poor girl. So, I owe it to her to make a pretty place for Lady Love to play and sleep. Here is the color scheme I have planned for her (notice how the edges of the paint card appears to be chewed up...hmm, silly girl! ;-)
So, as you can see...I'm going with a bright, cheery Geiko Green color with hotpink accents. Girly, for sure! Lady Love with love it, for sure! I've gotten the "okay approval" from her, rest assured. ;-)
As for Little Man's room makeover...his room, right now, actually is nicely done. If I do say so myself. He loves the outdoors so I brought a bit of the outdoors TO his room. He even wanted flowers to trim the carpet. But, now that he will be turning five he wants to go BLUE. So, blue it will be..
This is what Little Man's room looks like now...at least for awhile until it goes BLUE! The picture doesn't really show it, but here it is a Baby Bee Yellow color.
Okay, so the wall paintings may not be considered "artistically correct", but that doesn't bother me...the Little Man loved it and that's all that mattered. ;-)
Now on to the kitchen...yes, I really need to start photographing more than just my water kefir.. It's just so exciting and new right now. I will post dishes I prepare soon. Don't give up on me. ;-)
The water kefir is doing great and growing quickly...I have already shared some of my grains with my in-laws and now am hoping to share with some friends...this is a picture of the drains being drained (the drained result is what you pour down the hatch).
Here you can see the liquid portion...the healthy, easy-to-make, and cost effective probiotics that you can drink to health.

Now, onto some randomness in the kitchen: Rocky made this little stove out of a beer can years ago..this has been well used while camping and backpacking. Doesn't it just explode with awesomeness?? Rocky is always doing resourceful things like this. I love that man!!

Anyone else ever make a camping/backpacking stove out of an aluminum can? Any suggestions on my kids room makeovers? Anyone need some water kefir grains?? Mine are happy and growing. I would love to share!

I think if you put your mind to it you can achieve your goals. I am a K-8 teacher too. Maybe going to do something else, once you are a teacher you know you can do almost anything, huh?
ReplyDeleteKids bedroom colors are very nice. I love the blue.
I want to get into making water keifer. Heard it is pretty easy.
Never heard of that kind of stove--how creative!
That's neat that you are a teacher,too! I'm not currently teaching (well, I am teaching my own kids)Are you teaching now?
ReplyDeleteAnd yes...water kefir is super easy to make! The only trouble is finding people to share them with once they get to multiplying. In the area I live I rarely find people that are into the healthy things I am..but, I have given some out to a few people which makes me smile. If you are interested I could send you some grains..just let me know!
Hi Kelly!
ReplyDeleteI too am planning to home school- hopefully beginning this Fall. Excited and a bit nervous. Really looking forward to the experience. Isn't being a SAHM the best? It has it's moments but I always feel lucky to get to share such fleeting moments with my boys.
The colors you picked out are great. I too like the blue. It pops!
I'd LOVE to get my hands on some kefir grains!!! How awesome. :)
Yes, being a SAHM is the best!! I absolutely love it! I will be starting homeschooling my son this Fall, as well! I'm excited!