
A Photoshoot: An Artistic Outlet

This post is just like the title puts it, a bit about art. There is no getting around the fact that I am drawn to the arts. I am passionate about many artistic avenues, and many of those avenues act as wonderful artistic outlets for me.

Not only do I enjoy being behind the camera I enjoy being in front of the camera (when I manage to fix my self up, which being a mother seems to be now, only on special occasions). For a brief period of time (I kept it short as I really did not want to pursue modeling if it was going to keep me away from my family, as they are most important to me). I'm too short (5'5) and frankly getting too old to really do much with it...okay, I know 31 isn't old, but in the modeling world..possibly. I look at the fun I have in front of the camera as an artistic outlet. It's fun, freeing, and gives me peace. I'd like to do more of it. The more creative the shot, the better!

During the short period of time I dabbled in the joys of modeling (I'd say it was really no more than two years total) I had the privilege of working with some outstanding photographers. I would have to say my favorite photographer during that time period would have to be David Fournier http://photofurnace.blogspot.com also check him out at http://www.modelmayhem.com/78695

I try to keep up with those photographers I've worked with to keep up to date with their current work. I can see that David's work truly does keep getting better and better. Not only does his work inspire me to get back into modeling, but it also inspires me to pursue photography. Seriously, check out his work! Awesome work, indeed!

The next shots were taken of me during my photo shoot with David back in 2008. It was a fun night time shoot overlooking the city. This particular shoot was very enjoyable. One of my favorite parts about the shoot was that my hubby was there and he was so gracious to help hold up the lights. The hubby is way awesome like that...he was always my escort for the photo shoots (you know, just in case I encountered a shady character which I never did). And having him as my escort worked out perfectly because he got to join me in many shots in various shoots (I will post more pics from other shoots at a later time),

I must say that having spent a bit of time in front of the camera that I now have a much better understanding of the photography process at both ends of the camera..I believe all photographers should model from time to time to truly understand both sides...

One of my favorite shots from the shoot!

Thought this was a very creative idea for a night shoot!

Wow! I had some seriously red hair. Oh how I love all natural, chemical-free henna!!

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