
Get Moving!!

Most of us are aware of the benefits of participating in exercise on a consistent basis. The possible benefits include, but are not limited to :
  • weight loss/weight management
  • improved cardiovascular health
  • mood lifter
  • improved sleep
  • clearer skin
  • better sex life
  • increased stamina
  • helps prevent a variety of illnesses such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes

These really just touch the surface of the vast benefits of regular exercise.
For me...well, exercise is a great stress reliever. Being a mother to two very active, sometimes strong-willed, children I can stress at times (a terrible thing to do I am aware), but it can happen. I feel better equipped to handle any stressful moment that comes my way after some exercise. I remember this was especially so in college when I would get stressed or anxious about a big test or final...I would find myself taking breaks in order to squeeze in some exercise. It helped clear my mind and calm my nerves.

Life can get pretty hectic. Really, who isn't all too familiar with that? I often hear from people that they just can't squeeze in the time for exercise. They realize the importance of it, but it ends up having to be put on the back burner because...well, it doesn't pay the bills. It makes me think of the fact that we really can do a lot to save money in regards to health care costs, for example. By taking the necessary steps in exercise and diet it is possible to avoid some illnesses that will cost us money in the long run as well as shave years off of our lives.

I have a love for exercise. I, honestly, notice if I've missed some exercise time. I feel stressed, sluggish, and overall more irritable. The world is a much happier place when I exercise. ;-)

           *See, I'm squeezing in an arm workout by doing tree pullups...lol.      

I say look for ways that you can squeeze in the cardio goodness into your everyday such as gardening, cleaning, parking your car further away from your destination building, taking the stairs instead of elevator, dance, biking or walking to work, even having your children run after you (which is also so fun) gets that heart pumping.

Enjoy the exercise you do and stick with it. Starting and stopping doesn't make me happy because once I start seeing results I want to keep it up.

Now get up and please get that heart pumping!

Here is a link to one of my favorite exercise sites. Some of the exercises are pretty hardcore, but I am always up for the challenge. I specifically like the abdominal exercises! http://www.bodyrock.tv


Gatlinburg and Oh the Guacamole!

We had an amazing time in Gatlinburg with friends for the weekend! Took the kids iceskating for the first time, which was beyond adorable! They did great! Also, I LOVE iceskating with my sweet hubby! He is a blast! Fun fun times! Can't wait for next year to do it all again!

While in Gatlinburg, a friend's boyfriend made some yummy guacamole! Seriously I could bathe in it! All week long whenever I thought about the guacamole my mouth would water..I go nuts for avocados and cilantro! Put em' both together and I go crazy! Yummyyyyyy!!

Here is what it looked like before it was devoured by all!


  • 2 avocados
  • 1 tomato
  • half an onion
  • 1 clove garlic, graded
  • lemon/lime juice, fresh
  • cilantro
  • sea salt
  • a dash or two of nutritional yeast flakes (optional)
  • a pinch of dulse flakes (optional) (you may want to decrease the salt if you decide to add this)
  1. Run the tomato, cilantro and onion in food processor. 
  2. Stir in remaining ingredients. 
  3. Enjoy with crackers, tortilla chips, raw veggies, or bread.

Interesting Link from NPR on 'Avocados: What's in a Name':

Another Link on the benefits of eating avocados:


Recipe: Carrot Salad With a Yummy Twist

Trying out a new recipe for lunch and came up with this...very tasty, very vegan! Sorry my measurements are not exact as I was just playing a bit with ingredients...these are estimates. Enjoy!

  • 5 or 4 carrots
  • 1 bellpepper 
  • dash of sea salt
  • handful of raisins
  • small dollop (I love that word) of Vegenaise
  • dash of Alchemy Spice Company's Mediterranean Blend
  1. Process the carrots and bell pepper in a food processor.
  2. Mix in the Vegenaise.
  3. Sprinkle in the salt and mix.
  4. Sprinkle in the Spice Mix
  5. Put in a bowl and drop in raisins.
  6. Enjoy.

The spice blend is fabulous..http://www.alchemyspicecompany.com (This is a local company to me and we all know it's so nice to support the locals!!)


Wheat Grass: My Next Sprout

I have been looking for new things to add to my green smoothies...My wonderful husband asked me if I have ever thought about adding wheat grass to my smoothies. Great question from a great man! I have heard about wheat grass, but didn't really know too much about it. I am currently doing some research on it and hope to be sprouting some soon. Will keep you updated as to what I find out. Sprouting pictures to come when they sprout.

This is a great video put together by the Sprout People http://www.sproutpeople.com. So interesting watching it sprout and so quickly. 


Oh The Joys of My Vitamix!

Product Spotlight: Vitamix Blender 
Please note that I am not, in any way, connected to Vitamix...I simply LOVE the product! 

I have gone through my share of blenders in my day. The Vitamix,is by far, the best one I have used thus far. I have used it to make homemade peanut butters (which, if I can't buy Smucker's Natural or happen to have bought lots of peanuts in bulk, I choose to make my own. One of my biggest pet peeves is peanut butter with all those nasties added like hydrogenated oils and sugars.I mean, seriously, why ruin a good thing? Leave well enough alone!

I have also made almond butters in the Vitamix. I currently am trying my hand at making soups in the Vitamix. I also use the Vitamix daily for my beloved green smoothies. 

The Vitamix is amazing at grinding things up..oh, I have fried some blender motors in the past..this one really does seem to keep up with my frequent use. I have been very pleased with this product. I would say that it is my favorite kitchen gadget thus far! I am looking forward to eventually getting the Vitamix dry blade for grinding up my own grains! Product review to come on that when it is finally in my kitchen. ;-)

We enjoyed the above smoothie for lunch today..yum yum.
Here is the recipe for the smoothie:

Lots of organic spinach (I would say about three large handfuls)
handful of green grapes
5 strawberries
fresh ground flaxseeds
3 organic Fuji apples
2 bananas
1 kiwi

Yummy and oh so filling!


My Green Smoothie Addiction

I admit it....I am addicted to green smoothies. I really can't get enough of them. The kids and hubby like them, which is wonderful!! It is true...you really do start to crave them after awhile. They are cool, refreshing, and incredibly filling and nutritious!

I must admit that at first I was skeptical. I was very much accustomed to fruit smoothies. Though, I have always made them a bit "different" as some might say. Green smoothies allow you to take in more fruits and veggies more easily in the drinkable form.

A friend, who also has an amazing Vitamix blender, told me about green smoothies and referred me to a starter recipe from the Vitamix recipe book, so I gave it a try. I loved it and now have been exploring the vast world of green smoothie making...including different types of fruit for different flavors and nutritional benefits.

One thing I always try to include in my green smoothies are freshly ground flaxseeds. I grind mine up in a coffee grinder and keep leftover in the freezer to keep the nutritional content in tact and to keep them from going rancid (which happens quickly). Our bodies cannot get the nutrition found inside the flaxseed if eaten in the whole seed form. They must be ground up first.

Okay, back to green smoothies....I have always struggled with anemia. My iron level just seems to run a bit low, which can lead to fatigue. Since I have been having at least one green smoothie a day for a while now my iron level is up to an excellent level. I do not think this is a coincidence. Yay for green smoothies!! Enjoy one today! They are addictive, though let me warn you. ;-)

Here is a YouTube video on how to make a green smoothie that I find pretty amusing as well as informative. I will be trying the dulse flakes and hempseeds soon!

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