- weight loss/weight management
- improved cardiovascular health
- mood lifter
- improved sleep
- clearer skin
- better sex life
- increased stamina
- helps prevent a variety of illnesses such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes
These really just touch the surface of the vast benefits of regular exercise.
For me...well, exercise is a great stress reliever. Being a mother to two very active, sometimes strong-willed, children I can stress at times (a terrible thing to do I am aware), but it can happen. I feel better equipped to handle any stressful moment that comes my way after some exercise. I remember this was especially so in college when I would get stressed or anxious about a big test or final...I would find myself taking breaks in order to squeeze in some exercise. It helped clear my mind and calm my nerves.
Life can get pretty hectic. Really, who isn't all too familiar with that? I often hear from people that they just can't squeeze in the time for exercise. They realize the importance of it, but it ends up having to be put on the back burner because...well, it doesn't pay the bills. It makes me think of the fact that we really can do a lot to save money in regards to health care costs, for example. By taking the necessary steps in exercise and diet it is possible to avoid some illnesses that will cost us money in the long run as well as shave years off of our lives.
I have a love for exercise. I, honestly, notice if I've missed some exercise time. I feel stressed, sluggish, and overall more irritable. The world is a much happier place when I exercise. ;-)
*See, I'm squeezing in an arm workout by doing tree pullups...lol.
I say look for ways that you can squeeze in the cardio goodness into your everyday such as gardening, cleaning, parking your car further away from your destination building, taking the stairs instead of elevator, dance, biking or walking to work, even having your children run after you (which is also so fun) gets that heart pumping.
Enjoy the exercise you do and stick with it. Starting and stopping doesn't make me happy because once I start seeing results I want to keep it up.
Now get up and please get that heart pumping!
Here is a link to one of my favorite exercise sites. Some of the exercises are pretty hardcore, but I am always up for the challenge. I specifically like the abdominal exercises! http://www.bodyrock.tv

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